Ron Shaffer Award
PRA Chair, Jessica AcMoody and Jerry Townsend presenting the Ron Shaffer award to PRA's Chair Emeritus Charlotte Davis.
Ron Shaffer Award for Exemplary Embodiment of Principles for which National and
State Rural Development Councils Were Founded
The Ron Shaffer Award is given to an individual who embodies the values necessary to build a national and state rural development partnership that meets the diverse needs of rural America.
Selection Criteria (Person shall meet at least 3 of the following 6 criteria)
​The person or council receiving this award would be selected because of his or her efforts to:
1. Overcome barriers. Reduced or eliminated significant barriers that inhibit community health, prosperity or viability;
2. Collaboration and partnership. Successfully helped agencies, institutions or programs build strategic collaborations and partnerships- particularly between or among parties who previously did not collaborate or who have ceased to collaborate;
3. Impact. Significantly improved the social, economic or cultural conditions of a rural community or region, and/or made one or more significant contributions to the success of the Partners for Rural America and the National Rural Development Partnership.
Diversity and Inclusion. Actively brought new and divergent voices to the council table, and engaged them in the development of common agendas;
Leadership Development. Supported and nurtured - in substantial ways- emerging rural development leaders on state, regional and community levels.
Overall efforts well grounded. Effectively ensured that the work of the council or the person is performed strategically at the juncture where policy, research and practice meet.
Nomination Process
Nominations shall come from individuals who may represent themselves, state councils or state and local organizations, the national partnership or national agencies or organizations, or they may come from any combination of the above. Those making the nomination are encouraged to cite examples of how the nominee has been successful or influential.
Nomination Review Process
There will be a review group made up of five people from PRA and SRDCs who will select the recipient of the Award. The review group will ensure the nominee meets at least three of the six selection criteria as they review nominations and solicit information regarding the nominees.